Saturday, March 7, 2009

Project Eyeborg - Are Those Real?

A Canadian filmmaker, Robert Spence, only has one eye. He lost the other one in an accident when he was a teenager. He is only 36 years old, and has been developing his creative talents in the film industry by making documentaries. Now, he can film the whole thing with his prosthetic eye.

The idea of installing a mini camera in his prosthetic eye came to him while filming a documentary about surveillance. So, he and his team created a project called Eyeborg. Their web site is up and running at

"Originally the whole idea was to do a documentary about surveillance. I thought I would become a sort of super hero ... fighting for justice against surveillance," Spence said.

"In Toronto there are 12,000 cameras. But the strange thing I discovered was that people don't care about the surveillance cameras, they were more concerned about me and my secret camera eye because they feel that is a worse invasion of their privacy."

So now, if you are still in the dating game, in addition to asking someone "Are you married?" you also have to ensure that both eyes are real and there is no hidden camera in one of them, before getting into a compromising position.

News Source

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